#2 : Get to know AI

Get to know AI

In this track, we're off in search of a suitable definition for AI. But we'll start with asking you something.

Get to know AI

In this track, we're off in search of a suitable definition for AI. But we'll start with asking you something.

Work first started officially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in 1956.

So the correct answer is 65 years. Click on the animation for a brief history.

And yet, many people have difficulty describing AI.

There are three possible explanations  for that. Click to expand.

We asked the expert.

Gerard Schouten is professor Big Data at Fontys Hogeschool ICT. He shines some light on some of the concepts and abbreviations.

'An algorithm is like a recipe', says Gerard Schouten.

Perhaps it's time now to dig a bit deeper in the world of algorithms.

Because, what is an algorithm anyway?

Click on the animation for an explanation.

Hopefully, you now know a bit more about what AI actually is.

It's about computers that use logic and data to carry out tasks. And you will come across those systems in all sorts of ways in the real world. Whether in algorithms that recommend the great songs in your telephone or robots that can perform surgery.  In the following tracks, you'll learn exactly how that works.

Track 2 completed!

NEXT UP: AI and mobility

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