#4 : Quantum computers

Quantum computers

How do you build a quantum computer and what can you do with it?

A little qubit more.

In the previous track you've learned about qubits (quantum bits). According to Julia there are many ways you can build them.

And speaking of ultracold atoms...

That is how they are building a quantum computer at the Technical University of Eindhoven.

There we meet Servaas Kokkelmans.

He is the director of the Eindhoven Center for Quantum Materials and Technology.

How do you cool down those atoms?

Servaas shines his light on this.

Not just any atom.

When Servaas speaks of atoms, he means a special type: Rydberg atoms. If you shoot these with a laser, you move the electron (the green dot) to the outside.

Atoms that work together.

Researcher Denise Ahmed-Braun explains how they influence each other and work together.

You’ve guessed it…

The more qubits, the more you can compute with such a computer.


How does Denise deal with this challenge?

In summary.

Thanks to our visit to Eindhoven we know a lot more:

Track 4 completed!

NEXT UP: Sensing and simulation

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